Saturday, January 24, 2009

Paige's nurse dredged up a bit of Jamaican slang from her youth and called Paige a ginnal, or trickster, when she managed with both arms restrained to scoot low in bed, pretend to scratch her face, and then pull her feeding tube - again.  

Unfortunately the report of her being able to start eating was premature.  She needs to be more alert to ensure that the food goes where it should, and Paige has yet to see any solid food.   The feeding tube must stay in for the time being.

We are thinking of her swim team as they battle Williston today.  Good luck.


  1. Paige -
    I wont deny it, if i were there with you i would want to take that tube out of your body too. but they're right.....leave it there and let it help you. Get better so I can come visit you and we can throw an entire container of baby powder on the floor and proceed to slip on our feet, hands and knees and butts down the halls. Or perhaps i can be there for you when you need to climb into my bed early on the worst sunday morning you've ever had, because i owe you one of those. Deep breaths and a little more singing...and stop touching those tubes. I know you miss food, it misses you too.

    Host family -
    Thank you for taking such good care of this amazing girl you have. As if its not enough for you to take care of her, you are also taking care of us by writing this blog. You are super family. If anyone can survive this it is all of you! You are in all of my thoughts and prayers.

    Love all of you!
    Emily....who is missing everyone in connecticut so much

  2. Paigey we killed williston. it was like 93-73. the past 2 meets havent been the same without you, and we miss you so much. get better soon. when visitors are allowed, ashley and me and maybe heather are gonna come down and see you. miss you tons.

    love morgan

  3. Hi Paige and Hosts,
    Another Ken parent reading the blog and sending prayers and best wishes to all. It is inspiring to get to know this strong, spunky girl by listening to this loving chorus of voices from so many places.
    Paige, it takes patience, but rest up now for your long, happy future.
    Love to you and Ryan,
    Helen Morgus

  4. That should have been "Kent" parent!

  5. Dear Paige - we are following your progress daily and are encouraged by the news. On a rainy cold day in England your antics have made us smile. Your parents have been amazing - finding time in between the visits to send Honey Balls to Happy. (I think they are a kind of orange!) We love you and are thinking of you constantly. Keep up the small progresses and remember, it always takes two steps forward, one step back. You WILL get there in the end. xxx Emma, Jay, Torx, Oli and Lillie.

  6. Dearest P.Poo
    I hate that you've been gone for so long. It's begun to get a little weird having not heard your voice in over a week. I don't know how much longer i can take. Another week of classes begins tomorrow and to be quite honest they've been the most depressing things to attend since you've been gone. There are no smiles or cheerful conversation....i think this is a sign. You know I'm a strong believer in "everything happens for a reason", but I haven't really been able to figure this one out yet...however, considering the consistent good updates on your recovery, I'm thinking that once you get through this, you'll be stronger than ever. I know everyone's going to be dying for paige time...(except, thats not really a good thing: more competition). But whatever the reason is, it comforts me to believe that after you get through this, only good things can happen. Buttttt, I'm not too pleased with the fact that you still can't eat real food. I've picked out the most tasty and delicious things to send you, but i've been waiting for word that you'll actually be able to enjoy them. So you better start prioritizing and get that throat fixed fast miss.

    Mama and Papa Host, i know your taking great care of your little girl. You are both amazing parents, and i can't wait to see your cheerful selves soon.
    I love you poobear, come back soon.

  7. Paigeypoops,

    Anna Colavecchio is sick with the flu, so lane four consists of yours truly and Chelsey Kniffen. I think that should be enough incentive to make you come back to me asap!!

    love you so so much,

  8. Paige!
    Not only have I been keeping you in MY thoughts and prayers but all my roomates have been keeping you in theirs as well. I tell them how words can't really explain what kind of person you are because you are one of a kind.
    You are such an amazing person paige, and I have every bit of faith that you will be back to your old amazing self VERY soon. It'll be no time before I can see you back at our home-away-from-home on our favorite penninsula =)

    I love you soooo much paige!
    You and your family are in my prayers,

    Daria (aka "SDABD")

    P.S. when you get to read this, imagine me giving you one of my BIG BEAR HUGS!!!!

  9. Paige
    I know you are a fighter and very courageous....if you and Mal can "escape" out of our house at 1 am to go to McDonald' indeed have the spirit and will to overcome all that has been thrust upon you!
    All my love and prayers to you and your wonderful parents who diligently update you progress to all those who care about you.

    Can't wait to have you back for a sleepover...with the alarm on and doors Kathy Little Mal's mom

  10. Paigeyy pooperr!!
    I miss you so much and I have so many things to tell you. The other night at formal dinner there were chicken burgers!! I know you always get so excited when there are chicken burgers and there was no one to get excited with! I miss you so much I miss seeing you with your cute little cup of coffeee from admissions. I miss your hugs and this is going to sound so wierd but I miss the baby skin hahah. I miss you so so much and I love you so so much. I love reading about your progress every single day and I want you to get better as soon as possible! i love you so much and I can't wait to see you!! We love you so so much and miss you!!
    love chelsea

  11. Dear Paige,

    We finally figured out how to send you a message! We have been thinking of you and are so happy about your progress. Enjoy lots of chocolate cake. We send you lots of love and will keep you in our prayers. Hope to see you soon!

    George, Amanda, Peter, Izzy and Nicky
